Rendering: Boogertman + Partners Architects

Rendering: Boogertman + Partners Architects

Freedom Rides Museum  /  Montgomery, Alabama

Creative director, Ralph Appelbaum Associates.








Exhibition design and development for the commemorative 60th anniversary exhibit, slated to open in 2021, at the Freedom Rides Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. The Museum is located in Montgomery’s Greyhound Bus Station, a key stop on the Freedom Riders journey, which begun on May 4, 1961 in Washington, D.C. The Freedom Riders, black and white, male and female, none of them older than 22, stepped off a bus at the Montgomery Greyhound Station on May 20, 1961. They were prepared to meet mob violence with non-violence and courage. They prepared farewell letters and wills. Their goal was to help end racial segregation in public transportation. And they did.